The Switcher team is pretty picky about the conferences we go to. And as a marketer, you may also find it hard to decide which ones are worth your time and budget to attend. Luckily, we’ve found some that we really like and find a lot of value in attending. Here are the top four for the Switcher team:

Social Media Marketing World

Dates: March 20-22, 2019
Location: San Diego
Cost: Passes range from $597-1,487

Social Media Marketing World 2019The Switcher team has attended Social Media Marketing World the past two years and will be exhibiting for the first time this year. The event is put on by Social Media Examiner, which has been my go-to marketing and social media resource for years, so I trust the organizers to bring in real experts. This year they have a whopping EIGHT sessions on live video, so we’re obviously looking forward to attending this year. (Watch this video closely, and you'll spot Switcher CEO Nick Mattingly and me at 2:11.) 


Content Marketing World

Dates: September 3-6, 2019
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Cost: Passes range from $599-1,999

Content Marketing WorldThe thing I really appreciate about Content Marketing World is the focus on content strategy. Regardless of the type of content, they have strategy sessions and experienced speakers to help everyone from beginners to advanced social marketers. I may also have a soft spot for this conference because the first year I attended, I got to meet the famous Jack Hanna. 



Dates: July 10-13, 2019
Location: Anaheim, California
Cost: Industry pass is $650

vidconSo this may seem like an unexpected inclusion on this list. The main expo floor is wild and weird and full of teenage fans. From the outside it can look like just another Comic-Con-esque event, but looks can be deceiving.

If you look more closely, you’ll see that they have an industry pass. This lets you meet influencers and content creators who make their living with online video. You can work with and learn from great talent — how they measure success metrics, how they monetize, and how they constantly innovate to stay on top of the video algorithm game. VidCon is a great place to see what’s coming next in the future of entertainment and marketing. Plus, Facebook and YouTube often make big product announcements in their keynotes!



Dates: October 15-17, 2019
Location: Los Angeles
Cost: Pass is $725

VidSummitThis conference is entirely focused on video — which is why it’s a clear favorite for the Switcher team. Here you can hear from premiere video experts and network with other marketers focused on growing their video strategy. Yet again, if you look closely, you might see a familiar Switcher face in the promo video: CEO Nick Mattingly, who spoke at the event in 2017 and 2018, can be spotted at 2:14. 

Going to one of these conferences? Maybe we’ll see you there! And let us know: What conferences do you think provide the most value?