When you have a loyal community built around your live broadcasts, it is second nature to want to reward them for their participation. After all, without them, your content would go nowhere.
One of the best ways to do this is via giveaways on Facebook Live. Pick one (or a few) gifts, and offer them up to your viewers. This will not only increase your viewership, but it can net you some new viewers as well.
Below are some helpful tips for getting the most out of your Facebook Live giveaway, and for keeping your audience coming back for more:
1) Pick Gifts That Pertain To Your Audience’s Interests
If your broadcast specializes in baking, don’t give your winner power tools. There’s a chance that they might welcome the gift, but they’re more likely to fake excitement and regift the tools down the road.
Think about what makes up your audience’s niche. Select your giveaway gifts based upon this niche.
If possible, buy second item and use it demonstrate its handiness!
2) Advertise The Giveaway  In Advance
Don’t blindside your viewers by spontaneously doing the giveaway.
When you decide to do a giveaway, announce it for at least one-to-two weeks before the giveaway. Put out frequent reminders via social media posts. Remind your audience of the giveaway’s date on each live broadcast. This will give them the time to clear their schedule and prepare. It will also keep things fair.
3) Schedule Your Giveaway Broadcast And Make It Shareable
Once you have committed to a date, make sure to schedule it in advance. This way, it is locked into place on your Facebook Page. Facebook users will also be given the option to set a reminder notification for the broadcast.
They will get a reminder that you are going live 20 minutes before your broadcast, and again three minutes before the broadcast.
This scheduled broadcast should also be a shareable post. This allows your viewers to share it to their own Timelines and Pages, increasing your potential audience for the broadcast.
You should encourage your audience to share the scheduled post. Remind them to turn on notifications for the giveaway broadcast, and also to share the post. Many viewers will do this, and you will gain new audience members for future shows.
For help on creating a scheduled post, check out this handy guide.
4) Assign A Task For Your Audience To Complete
Instead of just tuning in and watching you select a winner, challenge your audience. This gift took time and/or money to get. Make your audience work a little for it.
Challenge them to make a short video about your cause. Have them craft a certain item and submit a photo as proof. Ask them to film themselves doing fifty push-ups in the name of fitness. The task can even be as simple as holding up a sign with your name written on it, taking a selfie with the sign, and posting it as their Profile Picture with a link-back to your page.
These challenges will keep your audience engaged. They will also spreading your name and/or business to other potential viewers. Everyone on Facebook has friends. Those friends will then see your viewer post a picture of your name on a sign, or doing several pushups, or singing a song about your niche. They are then more likely to tune into your broadcast to see what all of the fuss is about.
Choose a place for your audience to turn in their submissions. Make sure to show examples of these submissions on your broadcast. This not only gives those yet to submit an example of what to do, but it also gives some promotion back to your participants.
5) Consider Using Gifts That Advertise Your Brand
It’s easy to select an item that pertains to your audience’s niche. They will love it, and they will likely enjoy using it. They may even advertise for you, and publically state that they received it from one of your giveaways.
But what about advertisement that isn’t solely word-of-mouth? That would make it much easier to get your name out there without your winner having to sing your praises aloud.
Consider getting some Tee-shirts or Tank Tops printed with your Business Name or Logo on them. People love free shirts, and fans will be more than happy to walk around with your face on their chest.
If your Facebook Live broadcasts promote health or fitness, have some custom-made water bottles made. For a jewelry-related show, consider a bracelet or necklace with your logo emblazoned on it. Are you a motivational speaker? Create a plaque with one of your motivational quotes engraved in it. Make sure your name appears below the quote as the speaker.
No matter the decision, make sure to pick something that your audience will appreciate. This will mean the most to them, and they will be more likely to use their gift in a public setting.
Maybe they will even use it on their own live show for easy cross-promotion!
#GetOut. #GoLive. #BeAwesome.