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With livestreaming,
the world is your classroom

From elementary schools to universities, livestreaming is changing the game in education. And Switcher helps you implement it in countless ways — letting you easily create interactive, multicamera live videos with just iPhones and iPads. We’ve seen teachers use Switcher to livestream lessons and students use Switcher to learn multicam production. The possibilities are endless, so the question is, what do you want to stream?



An education in
ease of use

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could focus on your lesson instead of your tech? Because Switcher runs on iOS devices, streaming is super simple — no new gear required. You can easily set up iPhones and iPads around your space to capture multiple angles or screenshare right from your computer into your stream. Students can leave questions in the comments in real time or even join your stream with Video Chat.

Switcher also lets you change angles and add text, graphics, or prerecorded videos all with simple taps. And you can stream nearly anywhere — like a Facebook group, a YouTube channel, or even an unlisted video that you embed only on your own website.

Made with Switcher

Check out what our users are creating with Switcher Studio

Switcher Shoutouts

Switcher Studio has made this process much easier. So far we have streamed 67 chapel services (11 per week), a senior athletics ceremony, class ring ceremony and more. I also have a group of students who are learning to use the technology and getting more involved in front and behind the camera. It is such a user-friendly product.

BRAD WILLIAMS, Digital Media Coordinator at Ascension Episcopal School

About two years ago the students who did the morning announcements over the PA wanted to see if they could try and do a live video edition. From one show a week, to three shows a week last year, we now stream the announcements everyday. The feedback from the students is overwhelmingly positive.

DAN MORGAN, Teacher at Saint Mary's College High School